On Caring Too Much


I care too much about people. That’s one painful lesson I’ve had to learn. Maybe from books and movies, I’ve learned that if you care about one best friend more than anything, and that you’re willing to do anything for them, that they’ll feel the same about you. So as a result, I’ve taken to caring deeply and wholly for my closest friends. Why in the world would that go wrong?

The answer is sad, but simple. The more you care about someone, the easier it is for them to take you for granted. Some people aren’t like that, but it’s a natural instinct to want what you don’t have more than what you already have. In that way, being a little colder and more removed makes friends more apt to stick by your side- to want your attention.

It’s human nature, yes, but what a sad lesson to learn for people like me who like to care with their entire hearts. Add that to being a naturally sensitive person, and one who cares the most openly also gets hurt the easiest as well.